Friday, 23 September 2011

Cage Fighting Public Opinion

Our idea was to start the basis work to lead to a documentary on cage fighting, spurred by the recent events we read in a newspaper about the events in Preston; the 2 boys aged 8 and 9 who are competing in cage fighting events.
If we were to make this into a full on documentary, we would speak to the people involved - those who allowed it to take place, the parents of the boys, spectators and of course the 2 boys themselves. We would gain all the opinions and views from each interviewed person.
We went out onto the streets of Henley and interviewed random people on their opinion on cage fighting, what the age restriction for it should be, and if they had heard of the 8 and 9 year old boys in Preston competing in cage fights.
Most people's views on the sport were negative, they commented on it being "stupid", "silly" and that they didn't agree with it. However there was also a number of views who thought that it is acceptable in a controlled environment, but not at the age shown in recent news.
Most people thought the age restriction should be of ages 18 or 21, some people thought it could be restricted to 16 and one person thought it should be restricted to 12 and 13 year olds. The general view on it was that there should definitely be n age restriction on the sport and that the events in Preston should be punishable for those who allowed it to take place.

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